Conclave Code of Conduct

The general welfare of our group depends on the conduct of each individual; this ensures the success of conclave and provides the maximum benefit to everyone. As an Arrowman, I understand this and support the reasonable demands of conduct expected of me.

As a member of Scouting America and the Order of the Arrow, at conclave I will:

  1. Observe the Scout Oath, Scout Law, and Order of the Arrow Obligation at all times.
  2. Follow all Youth Protection guidelines. 
  3. Be in full Scout field uniform during the event with the exception of afternoon activities. For afternoon activities, the scouting activity uniform may be worn. You may be in pirate attire as well.
  4. Wear my personal conclave credentials at all times.
  5. Sleep where assigned.
  6. Clean up and leave things better than I found them. 
  7. Wear suitable covering while swimming or participating in any conclave program.  This includes closed toe shoes in camp. 
  8. Observe all rules regarding the use of facilities as indicated by the camp ranger and service lodge.
  9. In accordance with Scouting America’s Alcohol, Tobacco, and Drugs policy , refrain from using any tobacco products while at conclave (including e-cigarettes and vaping products). 
  10. Agree that violation of this Code of Conduct may result in expulsion from the event and from future events. 
  11. All registered adults are reminded to adhere to the Scouter Code of Conduct